Way of the Wrench Videos

Way of the Wrench: How to Weld Sheet Metal
Welding sheet metal can be a nightmare with all of the warping and blow-through caused by excessive heat. In this video, I will be showing you 4 different techniques to help you improve your sheet metal welding game!

Way of the Wrench: Birds nest in your MIG welder?
It happens to everyone.....you're welding away and then the mig wire just doesn't feed anymore! Flip the lid and what do ya know....a bird's nest!

Way of the Wrench: How to diagnose your MIG welds
Someone has absolutely butchered these poor welding samples and we need to know what happened to them! This video idea has been rolling around in my head for a while now and I'm so glad it is finally out for your viewing pleasure. Follow along with the crime scene investigator to learn how to diagnose what is going wrong with your own MIG welding beads.
How did it happen? Who is the butcher? What can you do to prevent these horrendous welds from happening to you? All of these questions will be answered in the video and much more! Watch until the end to see all of the different victims and the special twist at the end of the video!

Way of the Wrench: How to set up a MIG welder
In this video, I will teach you how to properly set up a MIG welder so you can start making cool projects and awesome welding samples. Lots of step-by-step instruction with additional information to make it memorable and useful. As with every Way of the Wrench video, you will also learn other trade secrets and tips for steel fabrication and welding....ya just gotta watch.

Way of the Wrench: Make This: A Horseshoe Puzzle!
In this video, I will teach you how to make a welded metal horseshoe puzzle and the bending jig you need to make the horseshoes. With an in-depth view of the entire design process, you should be able to make other jigs so you can make your very own design/projects. As with every Way of the Wrench video, you will also learn other trade secrets and tips for steel fabrication and welding....ya just gotta watch.

Way of the Wrench: Electric Welding Safety: How to be safe
In this video, I will teach you everything you need to know about being safe when electric welding with MIG, SMAW, and TIG welders. I will go over the personal protection equipment you should be wearing, how to protect other people while you are welding, ensuring you have a safe work area, and several other safety concerns you may have not thought about. All of this safety is to prepare you for the up-and-coming videos on each of the electric welders and their future project videos.

Make This: Vice Grip Holder
In this video, I show you how to design a custom project from recycled scrap metal using an oxy-acetylene cutting torch and a welder. This time we made a custom vice grip holder for the tool room wall so we have a slick-looking holder that makes these vice grips look way more organized and easy to find. I show you how to make your own custom templates and a bunch of tricks to see while you are using a cutting torch as well as a trick to prevent cutting through steel when you don't want to.

How to use a cutting torch
In this video, I will teach you the fundamentals for the safe and proper operation of an oxy-acetylene cutting torch. We will talk about cutting torch tips, pressures, coupling distance, feed rate, tips for clean straight cuts and much much more.

Chainmail Hacky Sack
Welcome to the wonderful world of chainmail! Today's project is a great beginner's tutorial so you can learn the basics and complete your first chainmail project in a couple hours.

How to make chainmail rings
How to make a chainmail ring jig using your new skills as a gas welder!

How to be a better welder in 20 minutes
Episode 5 of How to become a Welder

How to make a brazed copper leaf art sculpture and much more!
Episode 4 of How to become a Welder

How to braze. Everything about brazing and way more!
Episode 3 of How to become a Welder

How to get a neutral flame on a gas welder
Quick Reference to go with the long safety/set up video

Gas welding safety, set up, and how to get to a neutral flame
Episode 2 of How to become a Welder

The pros and cons of Gas, Stick, MIG, and TIG welders
Episode 1 of How to become a Welder